on 28 February 2023
Classes for young puppies up to about 4 months old are often called Puppy Pre-School, I call mine Kindy Puppy Class. So why is Puppy Class so important?
Puppies have a window of opportunity for socialisation that closes at around 4 months old (most agree it’s a little sooner in fact). This means that what puppies are exposed to and experience during this time becomes their normal. Getting them used to lots of novel experiences during this time makes a huge difference ...
Posted by Gail Hudson
on 27 May 2022
One of the first considerations when you bring home a new puppy is setting up a regular toileting routine. Every puppy is different in how long they take to learn and that’s a combination of their individual personalities and their early experiences with the breeder.
They develop a preference for going on a particular surface, so I will assume that most people want that to be grass, but if it’s different for you just replace “grass” in this blog with “your...
Posted by Gail Hudson
on 13 May 2022
I’ve always said there’s nothing easy or convenient about having a puppy in the house! Luckily for most people, the joy of owning a new puppy outweighs the bad stuff. But it’s interesting how many things people don’t think about BEFORE the puppy comes home; most people consider the obvious things such as toilet training, buying toys, food bowls, food, a bed. But a bit of forward planning on other things that some people miss can make a huge difference...